Sooner or later, you'll eventually resign for your current job. There are many reasons to say bye to an employer. Maybe you found greener pastures with a higher salary somewhere else. Maybe you found your passion? Maybe y0u can't stand your boss? Maybe you're getting out of the rat-race all together by starting a business.

Whatever the reason is, it's customary to send a notice of resignation usually by email. This sets a motion of protocols that enables you to receive your severance package or last paycheck. It gives you a chance to air out your side without fear. Most importantly, it establishes good relations with your company even if you're about to say goodbye. After all, you never know when you might need a reference in the future.

Here are some subject lines if you're at a loss on how to start off a resignation email:

  • Subject Lines for Resignation Emails
  • Subject Line for Resignation Emails to Coworkers
  • Funny Subject Lines for Resignation Emails
  • Subject Lines for Resignation Emails to Your Boss
  • Subject Line for Resignation Meeting
  • Subject Line to Resignation Email to Clients
  • Subject Line for Resignation Email to Customers
  • What Information Should You Include in Your Resignation Email?

Subject Lines for Resignation Emails

I just sent my resignation.

Let's start off with professional email subject lines to formally announce your resignation.

  • Notice of Resignation from My (name of official position) Position
  • I Want to Resign from My Post as a (name of official position)
  • Intent to Resign – (your name)
  • Resignation Imminent – (your name)
  • (Your Name) Formal Notice to Resign
  • Effectively Resigning On (date of your planned resignation)
  • Tendering My Official Resignation on (date of your planned resignation)
  • Resigning on (date of your resignation) Thank You For The Opportunity To Work With You
  • I Regret to Inform You That I'll Be Resigning Very Soon
  • I'm Tendering My Resignation
  • Will be Resigning Effective (date of your planned resignation)
  • Leaving My Post as a (your official position) Effective (date of your planned resignation)
  • I'll be Resigning from (name of company) Effective (date of your planned resignation)
  • I'll be Leaving (name of company) On (date of your planned resignation)
  • I'm Writing to Inform You That I'll Be Resigning from My Post on (date of your planned resignation)

Subject Line for Resignation Emails to Coworkers

Great colleagues are your second family. At work, you share many great memories together. You worked hard to solve challenging problems as a team. So, when it's time for you to go, it's only proper that you give them a nice, formal notice.

  • It's Been a Privilege Working With You.
  • I Couldn't Have Asked For a Better Team. Thank You!
  • Thank You for the Opportunity To Be Part of the Team.
  • It's Time For Me to Turn a New Leaf in My Life.
  • How I Wish My Next Team Will Be as Awesome As You.
  • I'm Honored to Have Belonged to a Spectacular Team.

Related Reading: 155+ "Work-Friendly" Email Signature Example Quotes to Try

  • It's Goodbye For Me, But You Will Forever Be in My Heart.
  • It's Sad But I'll Be Resigning Soon.
  • I Definitely Enjoyed My Time Here, But I'll Be Saying Goodbye Soon.
  • Team, This Isn't a Forever Farewell.
  • You Guys are Great But I Need to Follow My Own Path.
  • Leaving You Guys Very Soon.
  • Thank You, Team, But I Have to Go.
  • Best Team Ever! It Would Be Hard to Say Goodbye.
  • Everyone in the Team Has a Special Place in My Life.

Funny Subject Lines for Resignation Emails

Here are some ways to say "I quit." that make you smile.

Resignation is often a sad moment, but it can also be funny. Check out these humorous subject lines for resignation emails.

  • It's Over for Us.
  • It's Time to Quit.
  • It's Time For Me To Go.
  • I'll Be Leaving, But I'll Bring You a Cake.
  • My Small Business Is Growing, So I Must Leave.
  • After This Drama, Let's Have a Beer and Pizza.
  • Celebrating Goodbyes With a Pizza Party.
  • I Don't Know Why My Team is Very Happy Today.
  • Don't Cry! I'm Just Around the Corner.
  • The Future is Calling and I Must Go.
  • It's All About Business And Nothing More.
  • This Is Goodbye, But a Hello to My Budding Business.
  • Welcome To (name of the business you just established yourself).
  • Please Let Me Go. Please!
  • Don't Worry, There's Still Facebook.

Subject Lines for Resignation Emails to Your Boss

A good boss is a valuable mentor, guide, and even friend. Let your boss know that he or she made a difference in your career with these resignation email subject lines. This is a terrific way to end your employment on a positive note.

  • Thank You for the Awesome Time Working Under You.
  • It Has Been a Great Honor Working Under You.
  • Thank You for Being a Great Boss.
  • With Your Tutelage, I'm Ready to Face The World.
  • You Made Me a Better Person.
  • I Hate to Say This But Goodbye, Boss.
  • The Way You Developed Me Will Always Be Cherished.

Related Reading: 227+ Meaningful Thank You Message Examples to Loyal Customers

  • A Painful but Grateful Goodbye to a Cherished Boss.
  • This is Going to Be a Sad Day for Both of Us.
  • Boss, It's Not a Goodbye. It's a See You Soon.
  • It's Been a Pleasure Knowing You, Boss.
  • Thank You For Showing Me My Own Path.
  • Even as I Say Goodbye, You'll Always Be My Inspiration.
  • I Consider You as One of My Best Bosses Ever.
  • Me Resigning Doesn't Mean Forgetting the Team.

Subject Line for Resignation Meeting

I only have 2 weeks left at work.

If you hold a middle or high-ranking position in a company, you're most likely handling a team of talented individuals. When it's your time to resign, you can let them know about the decision in a special meeting.

  • Join the Last Meeting With Me on (date of meeting)
  • Saying Goodbye The Right Way
  • Let's Have One Last Business Meeting on (date of meeting)
  • Important Task Turnover Meeting On (date of meeting)
  • I'll Be Resigning on (date of your resignation). Let's Have a Meeting on (date of meeting)
  • Before I Leave, I Want To See You Once Last Time
  • Get Ready For A Personal Meeting With You
  • Let Me Officially Announce My Resignation on (date of your planned resignation)
  • The Last Farewell. Resignation Meeting on (date of meeting)
  • Allow Me to Talk To You One Last Time on (date of meeting)
  • Our Last Conference Before I Go
  • Let's See Each Other One Last Time on (date of meeting)
  • So Sorry, But I Have To Leave. Resignation Meeting on (date of meeting)
  • Saying Goodbye to All of You on (date of meeting)
  • Important Resignation Meeting on (date of meeting)

Subject Line to Resignation Email to Clients

Make your farewell easier for them with these sample subject lines for a resignation email. If you've worked for the same employer for a few years, leaving customers can be like saying goodbye to a friend.

  • Thank You for Your Continued Loyalty and Satisfaction
  • FYI, I'll Be Resigning On (date of your planned resignation)
  • This Is To Tell You That I'll Be Leaving (name of company) on (date of your planned resignation)
  • It Has Been a Pleasure Serving You After All These Years
  • I Would Have Loved Serving You Forever, But It's Goodbye For Me
  • It's an Honor To Have Served a Client Like You

Related Reading: 101+ Creative Ways to Say "Thank You" After a Baby Shower

  • Note That I Won't Be Your (name of official position) Effective (date of planned resignation)
  • A Formal Goodbye to an Outstanding Client
  • Serving Your Company Was a Unique Privilege
  • I'm Saying Goodbye As Your Regular, Friendly Sales Executive
  • Thank You For Making Me Part of Your Business
  • Thank You For Your Continuing Trust and Confidence In Me
  • I Look Forward To Serving You Once Again
  • Your New Sales Representative Will Be (name of the new person)
  • I Had a Delightful Time Being Friends and Partners With You

Subject Line for Resignation Email to Customers

Over time, you develop a rapport with your loyal customers. Say goodbye to them the right way by informing them that you'll be resigning from your post. Who knows. Maybe you'll work with them again in the future.

  • Thank You For Putting Your Trust in Our Company
  • I'll Be Resigning On (date of resignation). Your New Agent is (name of new person)
  • You're The Best Customers I've Ever Served
  • Serving You Was The Best Experience Ever
  • Just an FYI. Resigning Soon
  • Will Be Resigning Soon. All of You Are a Joy to Work With
  • It's Difficult To Say Goodbye to Such Wonderful Customers
  • I Don't Like Saying Goodbye To Customers I Truly Care For
  • It's Not The End. It's A New Beginning
  • Don't Worry, I'll Be Seeing You and Other Customers Again
  • Farewell, My Dear Customers
  • Resigning On (date of resignation). I'm Happy to Have Served You
  • I Will Always Serve You Even If I'll Be Resigning
  • Goodbyes are Always Hard, Especially with Special Customers like You
  • It's Been an Honor Knowing and Serving You

What Information Should You Include in Your Resignation Email?

Don't feel like working here anymore?

Composing a good resignation email can be challenging. Here's a guide on writing a resignation email who appeals to your company.

Last day of work (usually 2 weeks after the announcement)

In your email, state the effective date of your resignation. Normally, companies require that you announce your resignation at least 2 weeks before that date. During this time, a lot of things happen:- you turn over your remaining tasks, documents, projects, and equipment back to the company

  • You sign clearance forms to ensure that you have nothing pending in your company.
  • You may have an exit interview with your superior or the HR department.
  • You train someone to do your former tasks and responsibilities.
  • The company uses this time to backfill your position and prepare for your departure from the organization.

Explain your reason for leaving the company in a professional way.

Whether valid or invalid, you should provide a reason why you're leaving the company. Now, it's very important that you do this in a professional way. By being respectful and professional, you don't burn bridges unnecessarily.If you left because of a negative experience and you have the inclination to include that in our resignation letter, do it in an objective, dignified manner. Rather than saying, "I'm resigning because I don't like my boss," you can explain, "I feel that my superior has treated me unfairly."

Thank everyone for your time at the company.Maintain a good relationship by thanking the company. Show the business that you learned a lot during your tenure. Let them know that you cherish your experience with them.

Offer to help with the transition. Before closing your email, it's a good idea to inform everyone the lines are open if ever they need assistance with transitions or your previous tasks. Be helpful, courteous, thankful and leave the company gracefully is a best practice.